
Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen of England

Epsom Derby - Queens Entry Bows To Jockey-Knight Richard
Clip: 352665_1_1
Year Shot: 1953 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1585
Original Film: 026-472-08
Location: ENGLAND
Timecode: 00:47:55 - 00:49:50

At Epsom downs, its the Coronation Derby, and half a million race-goers, headed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, see Sir Gordon Richards, Britain s first Knight of the saddle, Nose Out the queen's own entry in a thrill packed race. First Jockey-knight Wins Coronation Derby Establishing shot/OH - 500,000 horse enthusiast at the race track. MLS - Queen Elizabeth sittin in an open back lemo driven on the race tracd waving to her Royal subjects. MCUS - Queen Mum and Queen Elizabeth looking over the horses on the track. MLS - Jockeys and horses. MLS - The horses take off and the race is on. MLS/Front view - Horses running towards the camera. Ground up shot - Queen Mum, Queen Elizabeth II, Princes Margaret and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. MCUS-Sir Gordon Richards and the winning horse.

Life in the Thirties Part 2: 1936-1939 - Coronation of King George VI
Clip: 494634_1_8
Year Shot: 1937 (Actual Date)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1815
Original Film: WPA 1779
Location: London, England
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 01:34:14 - 01:35:10

Houses of Parliament. Elevated procession during the coronation of King George VI. Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret during the ceremony. The royal crown is placed on King George VI's head. King George VI standing from throne. Massive crowd gathered outside Buckingham Palace. The British Royal Family on balcony to greet their countrymen, a young Princess Elizabeth waves to the people.

Voiceover is not available for licensing.
Queen Reviews Trooping of the Colors
Clip: 515560_1_1
Year Shot: 1950 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1824
Original Film: HFR-SFL-16-61
Location: London, England
Timecode: 02:39:18 - 02:39:50

Master 1824 - Tape 2 MS British QUEEN ELIZABETH II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth) riding horseback. VO narrator narrates. TLS/high angle Queen Elizabeth II riding horseback with hat on. MS Elizabeth with hat on. MS Elizabeth on horse saluting.

Royal Tour Ends: Queen Home After Round World Trip
Clip: 512798_1_1
Year Shot: 1954 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1599
Original Film: 027-570
Location: London
Timecode: 00:56:01 - 00:58:11

London's famed Tower Bridge welcomes the Royal Yacht Britannia as it goes up the Thames coming home from her Royal Trip. As Queen Elizabeth II sets foot on British soil accompanied by Prince Charles and the Duke of Edinburgh. She is greet on West Minster Dock by the Royal Family. They haven't seen her for almost 6 months. Princess Ann skips along as her mother is welcomed by British Parliament. Establishing shot - Welcome home is on the Tower Bridge in England as the Royal Yacht Britannia sails down the Thames. CUS - A yacht bearing the banner "Southend on Sea Tenders Loyal Greetings". LS - The overview of the Thames and the Royal Yacht Britannia. MCUS - Queen Elizabeth disembarking from a smaller boat on to British soil. CUS - A young Prince Charles wearing Mary Jane shoes. MCUS - Winston Churchill shaking hands with the Queen. MCUS - Queen Mum and the young Royals. MCUS - Throngs of Royal Subjects greeting the Queen. MCUS - A Royal Parade. MCUS - The Royals in a carriage being pulled by horses.

Queen Elizabeth Arrives In London's West End-A Command Performance
Clip: 352990_1_1
Year Shot: 1953 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1592
Original Film: 026-514-03
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:03:27 - 00:04:10

The 8th Annual Royal film performance draws huge throngs for a glimpse of Queen Elizabeth II and a galaxy of Hollywood and British film notables and stars, attending the gals show. CUS - Queen Elizabeth arrives and is shaking hands. MCUS - Princess Margaret arrive after Queen Elizabeth. CUS - Queen Elizabeth chatting with Gary Cooper and other British stars. CUS - Little Mandy Miller presents the Queen with a bouquet of flowers. MCUS - The Queen starts walking into the theater

1950s - Scotland Scenic Travelogue - Castle Urquhart
Clip: 311387_1_4
Year Shot: 1953 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 110
Original Film: 690-01
Location: Scotland
Country: United Kingdom
Timecode: 11:23:23 - 11:23:47

Panning view of the ruins of Castle Urquhart on bluff overlooking Loch Ness.

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip Wed
Clip: 540808_1_1
Year Shot: 1947 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 185
Original Film: CS-16-520
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:18:20 - 00:18:45

Slightly elevated MS Elizabeth, Philip and wedding party walking up aisle of Westinster Abby post cerimony. MS Elizabeth & Philip waving from balcony of Buckingham palace. High angle LS massive crowd outside Buckingham Palace, they wave & cheer. MS Elizabeth & Philip in formal pose, camera pans the train of Elizabeth's dress.

Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten
Clip: 540735_1_1
Year Shot: 1947 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 185
Original Film: CS-16-520
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:03:39 - 00:04:06

High angle LS wedding procession with royal carriage at the lead. GV inside Westminster Abby as Elizabeth and Philip walk down aisle post ceremony, they are followed by wedding party, they receive bows and curtsies from guests. MCU the royal newlyweds posing for camera.

Fleet Review: Ships Salute Queen In Coronation Show
Clip: 352680_1_1
Year Shot: 1953 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1586
Original Film: 026-475-02
Location: United Kingdom, England
Timecode: 00:09:16 - 00:10:29

Queen Elizabeth II reviews the greatest peacetime fleet ever assembled-1,000 ships from 22 nations including Russia, massed in dress formation in honor of the newly-crowned monarch. Aerial shot - Hundreds of ships. MCUS - The battleship HMS Surprise carries the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. MCUS - The Royal couple on a gun platform waving. MCUS - Princess Margaret Rose MCUS - Sir Winston Churchill. MLS - Full dressed British Navy standing on deck waving. MLS - Sailors giving hats off to the new Queen. Ground to Air - Royal Air Force pay homage to the Queen.

Coronation Of Elizabeth II
Clip: 352654_1_1
Year Shot: 1953 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1585
Original Film: 026-471-01
Location: London, England
Timecode: 00:35:53 - 00:37:39

The greatest pageant of the Twentieth Century unfolds before London and the world, as Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's winsome young Queen is crowned amid the splendor evolved over a thousand years. MLS - Throngs of loyal subjects turn out in London, town. MLS - In the procession riding in a carriage is Sir Winston Churchill. OHS- The parade, British soldiers and dignitaries. MLS - Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, riding in a golden carriage. MLS - Big Ben atop Parliament. LS - Elizabeth entering the Abby. MMLS - Elizabeth is administered the oath of a Queen by the Archbishop of Canterbury. MLS - Prince Charles who happens to be four years old at the time and the Queen mum.

Infant Prince: Britain Cheers Queen and 2nd Son
Clip: 498828_1_1
Year Shot: 1960 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1668
Original Film: 033-016
Location: England
Timecode: 00:48:54 - 00:49:47

Infant Prince: Britain Cheers Queen and 2nd Son. (First few shots look a little "wavy" but gets better.) Crowds waiting. Pile of photographic camera equipment, sitting there. Men fire cannons in salute. Airplanes fly overhead in formation. Library shot of Queen Elizabeth II posing with her two older children, Prince Charles and Princess Anne; pan to show Elizabeth and smiling Prince Philip. (Note: This was the birth of Prince Andrew.)

Royal Family Home Movies
Clip: 363578_1_1
Year Shot: 1960 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1676
Original Film: 033-075-01
Location: Balmoral Castle, Scotland, UK
Timecode: 00:13:14 - 00:14:26

ROYAL FAMILY HOME MOVIES At Balmoral Castle, in Scotland, rare intimate and casual scenes of the Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Princess Ann, Prince Charles, and baby Prince Andrew just enjoying a quiet family afternoon together.

Queen In Nigeria
Clip: 353903_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1616
Original Film: 029-014-03
Location: Nigeria
Timecode: 00:29:21 - 00:29:51

Queen Elizabeth continues her tour of Nigeria, one of Africa s largest British crown colonies, standing on the verge of self-rule. During the stay, one of the largest tin mines in the world is visited. Establishing shot - Queen Elizabeth II disembarking from a plane followed by her husband the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. MLS - Tin mine in Nigeria. MLS - Prince Philip standing at the cliff looking down into the mines. Above shot - Men working with shovels and pick axes in the mine. MS - Prince Philip and throngs of Nigerians.

Queen Welcomed: Elizabeth Gets Wild Acclaim In Nigeria
Clip: 353884_1_1
Year Shot: 1956 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1616
Original Film: 029-011-06
Location: Nigeria
Timecode: 00:10:52 - 00:12:17

Nigeria greets Queen Elizabeth, making the first visit of a Reigning Sovereign to the hundred-year old African Colony, with wild acclaim. Loyal notables, decked out in their proudest regalia, welcome the visiting monarch with impressive pomp and ceremony, as great crowds cheer. Establishing shot - Streets of Nigeria with its colorful natives ready to greet the queen. CUS - Two Nigerian women walking in native dress. CUS - Native Nigerian man wearing a straw hat and a beaded necklace around his neck. CUS - Two Nigerian women. CUS - Four Nigerian men. MS - Nigerian military. MS - Queen Elizabeth disembarking from a plane. MS - Queen Elizabeth being greeted by the Governor General, Prince Philip walking into the shot. MS - Nigerian people. MS - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in a car. MS - Throngs line the streets cheering the queen. MS - Royal car pulls up to a red carpet. MS - Native Nigerian officials greet the queen shaking her hand. MS - Throngs of Nigerian. MS - Nigerians officials shaking the hand of the queen and prince. CUS - A four year old Nigerian child presents the queen with a bouquet of flowers.

Spotlight On Royalty - Queen in USA
Clip: 355303_1_1
Year Shot: 1957 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1642
Original Film: 030-104-02
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:22:53 - 00:23:25

Spotlight On Royalty - Queen in USA Throngs standing outside the White House to see and greet Queen Elizabeth II. President Eisenhower escorts the Queen up the steps of the White House to be greeted by Mamie Eisenhower (First Lady) . Prince Philip is close behind, MS - Prince Philip engaged in conversation with Mamie Eisenhower. A blimp flying over tug boats spouting water from their fire hoses. CUS - Queen Elizabeth. Looking up - Ticker tape streaming down from the tall buildings in New York. MS - Motorcade parade with President Eisenhower. MSOH - Throngs of people packing the New York City Streets on both sides.

Queen In Canada
Clip: 426001_1_1
Year Shot: 1967 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1762
Original Film: 040-055-04
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Timecode: 00:45:31 - 00:46:18

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince and Prince Philip in Ottawa, Canada attending a mammoth out-door party in celebration of Canada's 100th Birthday. Earilier the Queen addressed Parliament in both English and French.urging national unity. "Queen Elizabeth, with Prince Philip, continues her week-long visit in observance of Canada's centennial with an address to Parliament in Ottawa followed by a giant children s party." LS platform at Parliament Hill, Ottawa, during ceremony. Slightly from behind TLS Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) walking on platform, the Queen waving to crowd. TLS Canadian flag flying from 24 ft high, 1 ton 100th anniversary cake in shape of building. Wide MS crowd of Caucasians. MS two crippled boys sitting in wheelchair beneath umbrella, one holding balloon. MS father holding curious son in crowd. TLS Queen Elizabeth II cutting into massive cake. Low angle TLS balloons being released into air. TLS Queen Elizabeth talking with crippled boy on crutches.

Order Of The Garter
Clip: 355643_1_1
Year Shot: 1958 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1649
Original Film: 031-049-03
Location: Windsor, England
Timecode: 00:02:44 - 00:03:25

Britain's most distinguished personages, headed by the Queen of England, Sir Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Earl Attlee, Montgomery, Alexander and Mountbatten, take part in solemn ritual of the six century old order of the garter. Throngs line the streets of Winsor to see the Royals. CUS - Anthony Eden dressed in Order Of The Garter robes. MS - Military leaders Montgomery, Alexander and Mountbatten. CUS - Queen Mum "Elizabeth I". MCUS - Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip.

Chicago "Loopy" Over Elizabeth
Clip: 356332_1_1
Year Shot: 1959 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1661
Original Film: 032-054-01
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Timecode: 00:32:23 - 00:33:33

Chicago "Loopy" Over Elizabeth. Chicago's Ovation For Queen Elizabeth II. Chicago stages the greatest, most enthusiastic reception in the annals of the windy city to greet Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, with a tumultuous harbor welcome and cheering throngs estimated at over a million on the shore. Some planes fly overhead. Fireboats (?) spray water in the air on Lake Michigan. City skyline in several shots. Queen and Prince are welcomed ashore. Funny -- a few photographers/press stand on Chicago Fire Department ladder for a good view. Queen is led past huge crowds to a car. Group of newsreel cameramen.

Focus on the 60s (1960-64)
Clip: 493248_1_4
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1166
Original Film: N/A
Location: Various
Country: Unspecified
Timecode: 00:01:34 - 00:03:10

Big Ben and House of Parliament in London, England; Royal carriage riding along street; Queen Elizabeth II (wearing crown & jewels, attendant pulling train) & Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) arriving at Westminster Abbey; Queen Elizabeth II reading statement from throne. Congo soldiers accompanying young intellectual, one soldier running up behind him & slapping the back of his head; Van carrying soldiers passing cam. United Nations building; General Assembly, delegates milling about. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev & Soviet delegates (appears to include Andrei Gromyko & Vyacheslav Molotov) pounding fists on table during speech by Dag Hammarskjold at U.N. 1960. Nikita Khrushchev speaking at meeting, waving fist in air. U-2 spy plane incident, 1960: U-2 / TR-1 spy plane flying over cam; U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers; Khrushchev viewing pieces of wreckage; President Dwight Eisenhower addresses the press regarding the U-2 incident. Big Four Meeting in Paris, 1960: Eisenhower walking red carpet; Khrushchev walking red carpet; Ike speaking-- "The hopes of humanity call on the four of us to purge our minds of the prejudice & our hearts of rancor. Far too much is at stake to indulge in profitless bickering." Ike alighting plane, being greeted at airport by supporters including Richard Nixon.

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Focus on the 60s (1960-64) - Sports
Clip: 493294_1_5
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1166
Original Film: N/A
Location: Various
Country: United States
Timecode: 00:24:07 - 00:25:33

Rodeo competition with Caucasian male cowboys riding bucking broncos and bull steers. Horse race, jockeys guiding horses toward cam; Queen Elizabeth II leaning over rail at racetrack, Queen Mother smiling in FG; Horse race; horse Kelso and jockey Eddie Arcaro in winner's circle. Indianapolis 500, 1961: massive balloon launch; judge waving starting flag; laps & crashes; horde of press photographers; driver A.J. Foyt kissing woman in the winner's circle. Italian Grand Prix, 1961: Ferrari spinning out of control during race, ultimately killing 15 spectators; medics tending to wounded; spectators leaning over railing for better view of race.

Voiceover is not available for licensing.
Focus on the 60s (1960-64)
Clip: 493296_1_3
Year Shot: 1960 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1166
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:38:44 - 00:39:14

MSs actress MARILYN MONROE (dressed in rather glamorous dress & diamond earrings) at film premiere with husband ARTHUR MILLER in New York City. MSs Marilyn Monroe wearing U.S. Army GI fatigues, visiting troops stationed in Korea. MS Marilyn meeting Queen ELIZABETH II. MS Marilyn taking microphone at USO event in Korea. MS Marilyn wearing white bathrobe, smiling & waving from open window.

Voiceover is not available for licensing.
Visual History of 1969
Clip: 501595_1_3
Year Shot: 1969 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1793
Original Film: HFR-SFL-16-034
Location: Various
Timecode: 02:15:57 - 02:17:27

TLS/MS Chief Justice EARL WARREN administering Oath of Office to RICHARD M. NIXON (Richard Nixon, Dick Nixon), with the likes of PAT NIXON, LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (LBJ, Lyndon Johnson), HUBERT H. HUMPHREY, SPIRO T. AGNEW watching on, January 20, 1969: "And will to the best of my ability preserve, protect & defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God." Panning TLS Nixon cabinet & congressional meeting-- identified are Attorney General JOHN MITCHELL (far left), Vice-President Spiro Agnew (center left), Secretary of Housing & Urban Development GEORGE ROMNEY (on Agnew's left), GERALD FORD (seated to the left of President Nixon), and Chief of Staff H.R. HALDEMAN (far right); MS President Nixon smiling at meeting; MS Attny Gen John Mitchell. TLS/MSs President Nixon meeting w/ President of France CHARLES DE GAULLE in Paris, Feb 1969. Panning MS President Nixon entering room, shaking hands with QUEEN ELIZABETH II & PRINCE PHILIP; sideview MS Queen Elizabeth II smiling, nodding head. MS President Nixon sitting & chatting w/ British Prime Minister HAROLD WILSON (Mr. Wilson smokes pipe).

Voiceover narration is not available for licensing