Special Offers

* PREFERRED RATES: WPA offers discounted rates for producers working on behalf of A&E Television (and affiliated networks), The Discovery Channel (and affiliated networks), National Geographic, VRSC members, as well as nationwide PBS outlets.

* HIGH VOLUME ORDERS: Need a large amount of footage for your project? Ordering for an entire series? Contact WPA to arrange a volume discount in advance. Large orders mean lower per second rates, cheaper transfer fees, and waived minimums.

* TAILORED TO YOUR PROJECT: Still working out distribution details? WPA offers flexible licenses. You can start small (film festivals, pilots, or pitch reels), upgrade at a later date, and your previously paid fees will carry over.

If you have questions about the licensing process or would like a price quote for your project, email us at sales@wpafilmlibrary.com or call us toll free (800) 323-0442.