
Theodore Roosevelt

Events chronicling the life of Teddy Roosevelt

Opening of the Pan-American Exposition
Clip: 493519_1_1
Year Shot: 1901 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1151
Original Film: H4637
Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
Timecode: 00:13:21 - 00:15:11

At the Opening of the Pan-American Exposition Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt leads a procession of dignitaries in a procession; They come walking in a long line, down the middle of a wide avenue, past some huge columns. The procession turns in front of camera and walks off to rt. MS 5 military men on horseback ride past as crowds watch; they are followed by a marching band, then 4th Brigade, National Guard, New York. From notes in contemporary Edison catalogue: "The participants in the head of the parade are made up of distinguished people, such as Senator Hanna, of Ohio, Senator Gallinger, of New Hampshire, Governor Odell, of New York, and Mr. Conrad Biehl, Mayor of Buffalo. The military division of the parade is headed by Louis Babcock, Grand Marshal of the Exposition parade, followed by his aides, Lyman M. Bass, Dr. John A. Smith, Sherman R. Hall, Dr. Harry Meade, Evan Hollister, Frederick DeP. Townsend, Robert W. Pomeroy, Henry Robbas, Captain H.A. Bull, James McC. Mitchell, Roland Crangle, George W. Gillette, Edward M. Mills. These are followed by the first division, consisting of the 71st Regiment Band, Brigadier General S. L. Welch, commanding the 4th Brigade, N.G.N.Y., and staff. This picture was taken on the official opening day, May 20th, when there were 106,000 people on the grounds, and the picture is greatly enhanced by the great crowds passing to and fro. "

McKinley's Funeral Cortege in Buffalo, NY
Clip: 493602_1_3
Year Shot: 1901 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1151
Original Film: H8914
Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
Timecode: 00:59:11 - 01:01:15

McKinley's funeral procession continues with the new President Theodore Roosevelt and other dignitaries riding in carriages (incl. U.S. Senator Mark Hanna, Senator Chauncey Depew, President Milburn, of the Pan-American Exposition, and Secretary Cortelyou,). Next comes the hearse drawn by four black horses and escorted by sixteen sailors and marines from the U.S. Gunboat Michigan. President McKinley's hearse is followed by many carriages containing officials and mourners. The coffin is carried up steps into a building. Pan on square; crowd waiting in line. also shown with the press and military tents in BG. People coming out of a bulding and walking down steps; over the doorway is a large picture of President McKinley.

Pres. Roosevelt at Canton for McKinley Funeral
Clip: 497080_1_1
Year Shot: 1901 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1151
Original Film: H9085
Location: Canton, OH, USA
Timecode: 01:13:03 - 01:14:43

"President Roosevelt at the Canton Station." MLS President Theodore Roosevelt with other mourners upon arrival at Canton, Ohio, for the funeral of the assassinated President McKinley; TR stands solemnly holding his hat over his chest, the others stand behind him. The group then walk past camera. . Mr. Roosevelt is shown walking out into the wide street waiting for his carriage, seems to be gesturing for it to pull up and surveying the crowd across the street. Carriages leaving, with escort of soldiers marching. LS pan on large crowd gathered in the area to watch the arrival of celebrities; they are in front of building w/ large sign painted across its front: "Canton Hardware Co.Wholesale".

The Innocent Years (Part One)
Clip: 494627_1_4
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1408
Original Film: WPA 1775
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:04:47 - 01:05:40

Post-assassination newsreel of President WILLIAM MCKINLEY in Buffalo, NY: panning TLS street scene, horse-drawn carriages, people walking bicycles, soldiers all about; MSs casket being carried from building, loaded onto carriage, THEODORE ROOSEVELT saluting with top hat to heart; TLSs funeral procession, cortege, sailors with rifles, police officers; MS TR with hat over heart.

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The Innocent Years (Part One)
Clip: 494627_1_5
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1408
Original Film: WPA 1775
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:05:40 - 01:08:19

Est shots of Sagamore Hill, Long Island home of Teddy Roosevelt; int shot den, heads of big game adorning walls, zoom in to oil painting portrait of TR. MS President THEODORE ROOSEVELT walking from porch toward cam, stopping; MSs TR playing w/ dogs on grounds of home, walking into field, taking off jacket & hat, chopping down tree w/ ax; TLS Teddy rowing on lake. TLSs Theodore Roosevelt riding horse, giving horse treats. MS Teddy & son ARCHIE ROOSEVELT looking over documents outside.

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The Innocent Years (Part One)
Clip: 494627_1_10
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1408
Original Film: WPA 1775
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:16:16 - 01:19:56

MSs President THEODORE ROOSEVELT speechifying from gazebo to crowd of well-dressed whites; MSs Teddy shaking hands w/ line of white people. TLS/MSs Teddy Roosevelt posing with Boy Scouts troop, St. Patrick's Church affiliation on bass drum. MS/CUs First Lady EDITH KERMIT ROOSEVELT at Sagamore Hill. 1905 newsreel of Teddy leaving to mediate the Russo-Japanese War: TR boards the Presidential yacht, Mayflower, then shakes hands & doffs hat to naval officers dressed in peculiar hats & epaulets; TLS/LSs USS Columbia & other American naval steam ships of the Great White Fleet sailing, American flags flying proudly from bows & sterns. MS/CUs TR library at Sagamore Hill.

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The First World War - PT1
Clip: 493299_1_6
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1156
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:02:42 - 01:02:55

United States: TLS mounted Browning machine guns traveling on rail carts outside factory. TLS/MS/CUs President of the United States THEODORE ROOSEVELT shaking hands, speaking to crowds at outdoor engagements.

Woodrow Wilson, Voters, Teddy Roosevelt
Clip: 508729_1_1
Year Shot: 1919 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1779
Original Film: HFR-SFL-35-081
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:23:49 - 01:24:09

Master 1779 - Tape 1 TLS line of white men greeting, meeting, shaking hands with U.S. President WOODROW WILSON. TLS/MSs white men and women signing papers, working in room with U.S. flag on wall in BG (these shots are anachronistic). MS U.S. President THEODORE ROOSEVELT (Teddy Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt) speaking at outdoor engagement.

Focus on 1910s - Presidential Election 1912
Clip: 510545_1_5
Year Shot: 1912 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1401
Original Film: N/A
Location: Washington DC, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 00:03:57 - 00:04:36

William Howard Taft campaigning. Theodore Roosevelt riding in motorcade, campaigning. Woodrow Wilson on inauguration day. Inaugural procession. Woodrow Wilson on balcony wearing top hat. Taft & Wilson shake hands. Taft and Wilson get in carriage together. Inauguration. Parade. Girls waving American flags.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Focus on 1910s - How We Lived
Clip: 516493_1_7
Year Shot: 1917 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1401
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:12:47 - 00:13:07

THEODORE ROOSEVELT seen speaking, mass crowds. Charles Evans Hughes with family, campaigning.

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Early 1900's
Clip: 518695_1_7
Year Shot: 1904 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1807
Original Film: HFR-DFS-16-102
Location: United States
Timecode: 02:28:55 - 02:32:12

Title card "1904". CU Theodore Roosevelt, headline reading 'Theodore Roosevelt Elected' is superimposed over the president's face. LS pan of the St. Louis World's Fair, headline reading 'World's Fair Opens in St. Louis' is superimposed over the image. Headline reading 'San Francisco Hit By Earthquake and Fire'.

Focus on 1910s - People
Clip: 522446_1_8
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1401
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:28:55 - 00:29:37

Theodore Roosevelt and wife. Teddy Roosevelt on horseback, standing in front of horse, petting. Theodore Roosevelt seen chopping down tree.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Early 20th Century Presidental Campaigning
Clip: 313095_1_4
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 9
Original Film: TQ002
Location: United States
Timecode: 09:52:55 - 09:53:42

Robert Taft shaking many hands; Taft waving from open car. Teddy Roosevelt waving; cheering throng. Woodrow Wilson in car, top hat, (inauguration?). Wilson speaking. Various cavalry shots; troops pass in review.

Do Not Use Still Photos.
Early 20th Century Presidental Campaigning
Clip: 313095_1_6
Year Shot: 1920 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 9
Original Film: TQ002
Location: United States
Timecode: 09:53:46 - 09:54:44

Teddy Roosevelt orating. Charles Evans Hughes. Various TR (speaking, chatting, riding horses, chopping wood).

Do Not Use Still Photos.
Focus on 1900-1909: Teddy Roosevelt
Clip: 494888_1_15
Year Shot: 1901 (Estimated Year )
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1400
Original Film: N/A
Location: United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 00:09:13 - 00:10:10

MS President Theodore Roosevelt, entourage in tow, doffing his top hat while walking through large outdoor crowd. TLS President Roosevelt speaking to crowd from podium. Cut to MSs President Roosevelt & various Christian clergymen meeting, speaking at outdoor function; nice MS President Roosevelt (in top hat) & elderly clergyman getting into open carriage (hubbub of men in straw boaters, bowlers, top hats pass by in FG).

Narration is not available for licensing.
Focus on 1900-1909 - People
Clip: 494894_1_7
Year Shot: 1909 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1400
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:33:44 - 00:33:53

THEODORE ROOSEVELT mounted on horse while on hunting expedition in Africa. Teddy riding horse through stream. TLS hippos in stream, racing from gunshots.

Narration is not available for licensing. Do Not Use Still Photos or cartoons.
Focus on 1900-1909 - People
Clip: 494894_1_9
Year Shot: 1909 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1400
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:34:08 - 00:34:24

TLS local guides hoisting THEODORE ROOSEVELT on their shoulders, carrying him across a river.

Narration is not available for licensing.
US Neutrality 1914-1917
Clip: 490865_1_11
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1412
Original Film: WPA 1706
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:04:39 - 01:05:42

Political Cartoon. MS of former President THEODORE ROOSEVELT standing on a platform laden with American flags and speaking to a crowd of folks. MS of Wilson at his desk, writing. Political Cartoon.

Narration is not available for licensing. Music soundtrack is not available.
US Neutrality 1914-1917
Clip: 490865_1_13
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1412
Original Film: WPA 1706
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:05:51 - 01:07:19

MS's of Bryan lounging at home with his grandson, then fishing in the ocean with him. More great MS's of Teddy Roosevelt speaking to crowds. CU of former Army Chief of Staff LEONARD WOOD. TR and Wood establish a citizen army in protest of Wilson's neutrality. Volunteer soldiers in training in New Jersey (marching, calistenics, tug of war, etc.). MS of women walking past a sign that reads WOMEN'S NATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING CAMP. Political Cartoon.

Narration is not available for licensing. Music soundtrack is not available.
Biography: John J. Pershing
Clip: 459663_1_15
Year Shot: 1898 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 306
Original Film: WPA 1595
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:05:13 - 01:05:50

1898: the sinking of the USS Maine and the start of the Spanish American War (includes good footage of Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders).

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: John J. Pershing
Clip: 459663_1_17
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 306
Original Film: WPA 1595
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:06:02 - 01:06:35

Theodore Roosevelt speaking to crowd. Troops marching. Mores shots of Teddy Rosevelt. CU of John Pershing.

Narration is not available for licensing.
The Innocent Years - Part Two. 1912 Campaign of Taft, Roosevelt & Wilson
Clip: 530332_1_1
Year Shot: 1912 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1447
Original Film: WPA 1776
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:15:29 - 01:19:00

DO NOT SELL Voiceover. The Innocent Years - Part Two. 1912 Campaign of Taft, Roosevelt & Wilson THEODORE ROOSEVELT returning to America: TLS steamship sailing in Hudson, MSs Teddy Roosevelt doffing hat from boat; MS TR and entourage in NYC, followed by shots of parade in his honor, cops pushing crowds back; Teddy takes to stage bedecked in American flags and streamers. Montage of Theodore Roosevelt campaigning for Progressive Bull Moose Party, 1912 (rides trains and cars, gives speeches, meets and greets voters). TLS steps of the Capitol Building, Ford Model T automobiles driving in FG (really nice shot). MSs WOODROW WILSON and WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT on Inauguration Day, 1913. They shake hands, get into car, drive to ceremony through very crowded streets. EST shots Wilson home in Princeton, New Jersey, MSs Woodrow Wilson shaking hands & talking w/ guests at a political function in his backyard. MSs Mr. Wilson meeting w/ aides & advisors. LS White House. MSs Mr. Wilson meeting with diplomats in office. Wilson sigining papers.

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President Roosevelt and the Rough Riders (1903) - Spanish American War Scenes
Clip: 530372_1_1
Year Shot: 1903 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 401
Original Film:
Location: Cuba
Timecode: 00:35:10 - 00:35:57

President Roosevelt and the Rough Riders (1903) - Spanish American War Scenes LS horsemen advancing across field towards camera. Leader appears to be Teddy Roosevelt, who gets off horse and moves quickly out of frame.

The USAF Story: The Beginning
Clip: 487618_1_6
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1468
Original Film: WPA 1632
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:03:15 - 01:03:46

MS Theodore Roosevelt speaking from behind podium draped in the American flag. MS Signal Corps documents being perused, signed. LS early glider in flight, barely higher than the tree-line.

Early Aviation
Clip: 311741_1_2
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 19
Original Film: TQ001(some)
Location: United States / Europe
Timecode: 19:51:41 - 19:52:27

Wright Brothers, Wilbur - Le Mans, France (1908): MS men turning plane on the field. MS men spinning propellers. GV as launching derrick weight is released and the airplane begins to taxi. GV take off with Wilbur at the controls, small audience seen watching from the field. GV pan plane flying low, making a turn. Voisin-Delagrange Aircraft, France: MS/LS the box kite design biplane taxiing across field. GV Voisin-Delagrange plane in flight. Teddy Roosevelt Flying w/ Arch Hoxsey (Pilot) - Kinloch Field, St Louis (1910): MS biplane being looked over prior to flight by aviator Arch Hoxsey. LS plane taxiing across field. GV plane in flight. MS on the ground as Teddy Roosevelt shakes hands w/aviators & officials post flight. Turn of the Century, Early 1900's.

Biography: Woodrow Wilson
Clip: 539847_1_5
Year Shot: 1912 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 350
Original Film: WPA 385
Location: United States
Timecode: 01:06:51 - 01:07:10

Former President Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy Roosevelt) on campaign trail as the Bull - Moose party canidatee. Teddy Rosoevelt orating. Teddy Roosevelt wearing duster jacket, standing on stump & speaking at outdoor rally, wagging his finger. Teddy Roosevelt wearing business suit, speaking at outdoor rally, cops in BG smiling.

Narration is not available for licensing.
All the Chief Executives Since the Screen was Born. United States Presidents 1901 - 1937
Clip: 492829_1_3
Year Shot: 1908 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1144
Original Film:
Location: Various
Timecode: 06:51:14 - 06:51:49

Theodore Roosevelt foremost militant American, as he was in 1908. Teddy Roosevelt dressed in white suit, speaking at a rally. When TR the Mighty went a-hunting in Africa. Teddy inspecting guns, riding horses through creeks, etc.

Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 540776_1_1
Year Shot: 1901 (Estimated Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 185
Original Film: CS-16-520
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:10:02 - 00:10:08

MCU Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt speaking to public.

1964 Nobel Prize Awards
Clip: 541045_1_4
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 975
Original Film: WPA 1203
Location: Various
Timecode: 01:09:26 - 01:09:31

Teddy Roosevelt (TR) speechifying to outdoor crowd.

Theodore Roosevelt - American
Clip: 541470_1_2
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 530
Original Film: WPA 1643
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:17:06 - 00:17:16

Teddy Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt) preparing for WWI. Roosevelt with military officers.

Theodore Roosevelt - American
Clip: 541470_1_3
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 530
Original Film: WPA 1643
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:17:16 - 00:17:37

Teddy Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt) giving speech on a platform with patriotic bunting. Panning across large crowd gathered to hear him speak.

Theodore Roosevelt - American
Clip: 541470_1_5
Year Shot: 1917 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 530
Original Film: WPA 1643
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:17:41 - 00:17:51

Teddy Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt) greets press outside the White House.

Theodore Roosevelt - American
Clip: 541470_1_7
Year Shot: 1917 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 530
Original Film: WPA 1643
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:17:55 - 00:18:08

WWI Patriotic parade. Teddy Roosevelt (Theodore Roosevelt) waves to the crowd.

Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt (some scratches on film)
Clip: 541483_1_6
Year Shot: 1902 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 308
Original Film: WPA 1605
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:56:54 - 00:57:17

Theodore Roosevelt walking up steps to front door of Sagamore Hill, New York, where he is greeted by his children. TLS/MSs of Teddy in a rowboat on lake.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt (some scratches on film)
Clip: 541483_1_8
Year Shot: 1902 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 308
Original Film: WPA 1605
Location: Various
Timecode: 00:58:20 - 00:58:40

Theodore Roosevelt at a social event; two women stand and talk on either side of him. Theodore Roosevelt standing and greeting a long, passing line of well-wishers outside house. Teddy Roosevelt in gallery, standing and doffing hat to woman.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541530_1_2
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:00:00 - 04:00:55

Opening montage. Theodore Roosevelt speaking to large groups of people at outdoor rallies. Good crowd shots, as well; accompanied by a soundtrack of TR speaking to the Boys Progressive League in 1912: "The principles for which we stand are the principles of fair play and a square deal for every man and every woman in the United States. I wish to see you boys join the body and act in that body in the same way I'd expect any one of you in a football game. In other words, don't flinch, don't foul and hit the line hard."

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541530_1_4
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:02:02 - 04:02:35

Theodore Roosevelt walking toward camera, stopping, nodding, exiting. Theodore Roosevelt orating in public, smiling, waving hat. Teddy speaking in public. TR sitting in chair outside home at Sagamore Hill.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541531_1_2
Year Shot: 1898 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:05:27 - 04:05:35

Jittery film (1897-98) of Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt wearing black suit and bowler hat, walking towards the camera.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541532_1_2
Year Shot: 1898 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:07:01 - 04:07:13

Theodore Roosevelt speaking at outdoor rally while campaigning for the office of Governor of New York, 1898.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541532_1_4
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:07:18 - 04:07:24

Theodore Roosevelt riding a horse

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541532_1_8
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:08:18 - 04:08:31

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge walking along sidewalk with aides. Theodore Roosevelt standing in gazebo, smiling and doffing hat.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541533_1_5
Year Shot: 1901 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:08:44 - 04:09:01

President William McKinley funeral procession in Buffalo, New York. Theodore Roosevelt with hat over heart.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541533_1_6
Year Shot: 1901 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:09:01 - 04:09:18

Theodore Roosevelt in office and outside.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541534_1_4
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:09:41 - 04:10:02

Theodore Roosevelt delivering fiery speech. TR getting into carriage, doffing top hat.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541534_1_6
Year Shot: 1900 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:10:08 - 04:11:10

President Theodore Roosevelt and aides exiting building, getting into car. TR in motorcade, two American flags hanging from grill. Theodore Roosevelt making speech from patriotic gazebo in Denver. Teddy Roosevelt making speech from caboose of train. TR in motorcades, making speeches.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541534_1_7
Year Shot: 1905 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:11:10 - 04:11:21

Inauguration Day, March 4, 1905. Large crowd gathered outside Capitol Building. Theodore Roosevelt in horse-drawn carriage during Inaugural parade.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541535_1_2
Year Shot: 1905 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:11:21 - 04:12:01

Theodore Roosevelt mediates the Russo-Japanese War, meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. MSs TR talking with naval officer. MS Russian admiralty & diplomats walking along dock, ascending steps. Panning TLS crowd outside meeting house. TLS Russian diplomats in carriages on parade route through small town.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541535_1_3
Year Shot: 1906 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:12:01 - 04:12:44

Theodore Roosevelt posing with USN sailors aboard ship. American battleships sailing, The Great White Fleet. Shaking hands with several naval admirals wearing queer hats and uniforms.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541535_1_6
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:13:07 - 04:13:17

Theodore Roosevelt meeting with Columbian general.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_2
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:15:37 - 04:15:58

President Theodore Roosevelt shaking hands with white men.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_3
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:15:58 - 04:16:13

William Howard Taft. William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_4
Year Shot: 1909 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:16:13 - 04:16:39

Theodore Roosevelt retires from politics and subsequent excursion to Africa. Teddy Roosevelt talking with officer aboard ship. Ship sailing. TR on horseback in Africa while natives carry his luggage. African tribal natives dancing in village. Teddy Roosevelt inspecting rifle.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_5
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:16:39 - 04:17:17

Theodore Roosevelt in Europe, receiving accolades, touring the continent.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_6
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:17:17 - 04:18:08

Theodore Roosevelt flanked by NYPD officers, walking street in New York City. Teddy Roosevelt sitting in rocking chair on grounds of Sagamore Hill. TR touring the country, shaking hands and riding in motorcades and speaking from caboose of train.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_9
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:18:31 - 04:18:46

Theodore Roosevelt in rocking chair outside home, conferring with aides.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541536_1_11
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:18:52 - 04:19:00

Theodore Roosevelt wearing sporty duster jacket, standing on stump and speaking at rally.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541537_1_2
Year Shot: 1913 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:19:13 - 04:20:08

Theodore Roosevelt stroking his horse at Sagamore Hill. TR walking along beach. Teddy Roosevelt walking with troop of Boy Scouts. TR walking through field with rifle during duck hunting expedition. Teddy chopping down a tree with an axe.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541537_1_3
Year Shot: 1913 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:20:08 - 04:21:03

Theodore Roosevelt travels to the River of Doubt in South America. Boat and horse excursion into uncharted jungle. Teddy Roosevelt firing a rifle from a boat on the river. Teddy and others posing with a dead leopard. TR staring into camera outside home.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541537_1_6
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:21:23 - 04:21:32

Theodore Roosevelt speaking at outdoor rally as America's entrance into World War One nears.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541537_1_8
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:21:41 - 04:21:50

Theodore Roosevelt walking towards camera, stopping, nodding, exiting.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541537_1_10
Year Shot: 1910 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:21:54 - 04:22:09

Theodore Roosevelt exiting, talking with reporters, getting into car.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541538_1_2
Year Shot: 1914 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:22:09 - 04:22:49

Panning LS crowd. Theodore Roosevelt speaking. Teddy Roosevelt inspecting and meeting US Army soldiers at an army barracks just as the war was breaking. Teddy addresses them from porch, followed by soldiers jubilantly waving their hats and rifles. Theodore Roosevelt watching enlisted troops pass by grandstand.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541538_1_4
Year Shot: 1918 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:23:08 - 04:23:31

USN sailors marching in parade. Doughboys marching. Theodore Roosevelt wearing black armband.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Biography: Theodore Roosevelt
Clip: 541538_1_6
Year Shot: 1919 (Estimated Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 909
Original Film: WPA 1599
Location: Various
Timecode: 04:24:03 - 04:24:18

Theodore Roosevelt funeral, 1919: funeral procession. American flag-draped coffin being carried up a snowy hill, led by a priest.

Narration is not available for licensing.